This is open to all Malaysian e-commerce, new ventures, small and medium-sized enterprises are eligible to apply, you only need Idea! Have you ever thought that your idea has the potential to dominate the market? It’s like GrabCar!
To provide a platform where angel investors, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, digital inventors
GTouch is looking to build a future where the new generation of digital inventors, entrepreneurs, and creative minds
GTouch is a platform which brings together angel investors, venture capitalists and tech-based startups
Helmed by CEO and founder Darren Ng, GTouch is looking to build up a new generation of investors, thinkers and entrepreneurs. Having been involved in the IT industry for more than 20 years and armed with a formidable network of contacts, Darren Ng and GTouch have helped countless numbers of startups and inventors obtain the funding needed to bring their projects to life.
What is the VC Venture Seed Fund?
The application amount is from SGD 200K – 500K
how to apply?
How to ``three borrow`` VCs?
What are the conditions for VCs?
Why do VCs invest in your Idea?
What are the investment requirements for VCs?
What industries are VCs interested in investing in?
The Cannes 2018 & Official ``Excellence in Quality Project`` Oxford, UK
2018 2nd Brilliant Achievements of Outstanding Awards - The Best Startup Service Provider
Finalist of JCI Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian